How to choose the air relax recovery boots?

How to choose the air relax recovery boots?


In life, you will see many professional athletes carrying pneumatic compression boots with them whether they are traveling or living. you can also see many physical therapy offices and athletic trainers using muscle recovery boots. because the compression boot system is designed to reduce muscle fatigue and relieve pain, increase blood circulation, prevent sports injuries, improve sleep patterns, and help you recover from training quickly. Faster recovery means more training time, but with a dizzying variety of brands on the market, today I bring you a review of the Air Relax compression boots.


2.0 has 4 غرف

Wide Pressure RangeSet any pressure in the range of 0mmHg – 170مم.


What’s Included?

Air Relax Classic control unit
A pair of leg sleeves
User manual


FDA (USA) & CE MDD (EU) Cleared
1-year limited warranty


1. ليست شاشة تعمل باللمس
2. Plug-in model is not convenient to use on the go.
3. The timer is automatically set to 15 minutes and cannot be changed.
4. Takes a long time to deflate, about 35 minutes if you leave them in place


3.0 has 4 غرف
Wide Pressure RangeSet any pressure in the range of 0mmHg – 170مم.

air relax massage mode

What’s Included?

Air Relax Plus control unit
A pair of leg sleeves
AC power adapter
User manual


1. وحدة التحكم الهادئة
2.أرخص بكثير من المنافسة الراقية
3.1-year limited warranty
4.FDA (USA) & CE MDD (EU) Cleared


1.ليست شاشة تعمل باللمس, لا يمكن ضبطها إلا باستخدام الأزرار
2.سلك وحدة التحكم القصير
3.Difficult to store between uses


4.0 has 6 غرف
Wide Pressure RangeSet any pressure in the range of 40mmHg – 170مم.

air relax 3.0 vs air relax 4.0

What’s Included?

Air Relax Pro control unit
A pair of leg sleeves
38L carrying case
AC power adapter
Hose bundle
User manual

air relax 4.0 includes


1. touchscreens
2.Deflate function: Faster when packing
3.Plug-in model, but external batteries can be purchased for an additional $100.
4.Garment Material:200 Denier Nylon Oxford


1. Big control unit, that isn’t really portable
2.Difficult to store between uses

Precautions for wearing compression therapy boots:

1. To put on the leg sleeves, zip the leg sleeves halfway up and insert your feet into the leg sleeves.
2. zipper all the way to the top, being careful not to get your clothes caught in the zipper.
3. check your pants to make sure there are no foreign objects in wearing أحذية الضغط to avoid damaging your boots and body.

air relax air compression boots


This Korean designed and made option is an okay compression recovery boot. And it has a very useful organizer bag. I would recommend the 4.0 more. you can tell it has some nice upgrades like the quick deflation.

Compression boots can be quite expensive, but this design from Air Relax is a good starting point! It’s not as effective as the NormaTec cuff, but at less than 2/3 the cost, it seems like a fair tradeoff.

NormaTec is probably the best advertisement for Air Relax. If you can’t afford NormaTec, buy Air Relax instead!

If you decide to buy Air Relax, let me teach you a little trick.
You can make your purchase on their official website, but please note that proceeding to the last step before payment stops. Usually, you will get a discount code. (which Air Relax uses to stimulate our purchases), so you can get your own pair of air compression boots at the lowest possible price!

الأعمال أمامه

How to choose the air relax recovery boots?


In life, you will see many professional athletes carrying pneumatic compression boots with them whether they are traveling or living. you can also see many physical therapy offices and athletic trainers using muscle recovery boots. because the compression boot system is designed to reduce muscle fatigue and relieve pain, increase blood circulation, prevent sports injuries, improve sleep patterns, and help you recover from training quickly. Faster recovery means more training time, but with a dizzying variety of brands on the market, today I bring you a review of the Air Relax compression boots.


2.0 has 4 غرف

Wide Pressure RangeSet any pressure in the range of 0mmHg – 170مم.


What’s Included?

Air Relax Classic control unit
A pair of leg sleeves
User manual


FDA (USA) & CE MDD (EU) Cleared
1-year limited warranty


1. ليست شاشة تعمل باللمس
2. Plug-in model is not convenient to use on the go.
3. The timer is automatically set to 15 minutes and cannot be changed.
4. Takes a long time to deflate, about 35 minutes if you leave them in place


3.0 has 4 غرف
Wide Pressure RangeSet any pressure in the range of 0mmHg – 170مم.

air relax massage mode

What’s Included?

Air Relax Plus control unit
A pair of leg sleeves
AC power adapter
User manual


1. وحدة التحكم الهادئة
2.أرخص بكثير من المنافسة الراقية
3.1-year limited warranty
4.FDA (USA) & CE MDD (EU) Cleared


1.ليست شاشة تعمل باللمس, لا يمكن ضبطها إلا باستخدام الأزرار
2.سلك وحدة التحكم القصير
3.Difficult to store between uses


4.0 has 6 غرف
Wide Pressure RangeSet any pressure in the range of 40mmHg – 170مم.

air relax 3.0 vs air relax 4.0

What’s Included?

Air Relax Pro control unit
A pair of leg sleeves
38L carrying case
AC power adapter
Hose bundle
User manual

air relax 4.0 includes


1. touchscreens
2.Deflate function: Faster when packing
3.Plug-in model, but external batteries can be purchased for an additional $100.
4.Garment Material:200 Denier Nylon Oxford


1. Big control unit, that isn’t really portable
2.Difficult to store between uses

Precautions for wearing compression therapy boots:

1. To put on the leg sleeves, zip the leg sleeves halfway up and insert your feet into the leg sleeves.
2. zipper all the way to the top, being careful not to get your clothes caught in the zipper.
3. check your pants to make sure there are no foreign objects in wearing أحذية الضغط to avoid damaging your boots and body.

air relax air compression boots


This Korean designed and made option is an okay compression recovery boot. And it has a very useful organizer bag. I would recommend the 4.0 more. you can tell it has some nice upgrades like the quick deflation.

Compression boots can be quite expensive, but this design from Air Relax is a good starting point! It’s not as effective as the NormaTec cuff, but at less than 2/3 the cost, it seems like a fair tradeoff.

NormaTec is probably the best advertisement for Air Relax. If you can’t afford NormaTec, buy Air Relax instead!

If you decide to buy Air Relax, let me teach you a little trick.
You can make your purchase on their official website, but please note that proceeding to the last step before payment stops. Usually, you will get a discount code. (which Air Relax uses to stimulate our purchases), so you can get your own pair of air compression boots at the lowest possible price!

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