There are only a few specific times when you should choose Harman N.

Any Idea When That Is?

In terms of market share and brand impact Harman N is no worse or better. So we’re not the premier best choice.
But in several important areas, such as support for new partners, consistency in product quality, and top-notch after-sales satisfaction rates, Harman N has proven to perform better than other manufacturers and would be a reasonable supplier choice.

There are only a few specific times when you should choose Harman N.

Any Idea When That Is?

In terms of market share and brand impact Harman N is no worse or better. So we’re not the premier best choice.
But in several important areas, such as support for new partners, consistency in product quality, and top-notch after-sales satisfaction rates, Harman N has proven to perform better than other manufacturers and would be a reasonable supplier choice.

So, why choose Harman N?

When we launch in 2023, Harman N would most certainly have been considered a late entrant.

The incumbents that came before us paved the way – though that didn’t scare us, the existing products on the market and the service quality of Chinese suppliers do not really solve the problems that enterprises actually face.

“Never under estimate a late entrantthey get to start by learning from all of your mistakes.”

At the time, we figured that there were other companies out there that felt the same way we did :

  • That the pricing our competitors charged wasn’t attractive for many use-cases.
  • Supplier reliability and accountability for pre-sales and post-sales issues on orders are not up to scratch.
  • As competitorsbusiness roll-outs are promoted on a platform or advertising model, this can incur significant costs, which at the same time are grafted on to the customer, thus compressing their profit margins.
  • That just because there are hundreds of known competitors, it didn’t mean we had to target their customers to gain market share, we could enter and help to grow the size of the pie, not the size of our slice.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking your competitors know more than you do, opinions and ideas are like elbowseveryone has two. Do your research to gain some insight, back it up with your gut feel.. and most of all, be prepared to be patient.. very.. patient. It takes a least a decade to build an ‘overnight’ success.


So how could we enter (late) in a market that is so crowded, and still compete?

Especially when :

  • We weren’t the first to market.
  • We don’t have brand recognition.
  • We’re not headquartered in a factory.
  • Our founder didn’t go to Stanford or Harvard
  • Our competitors are already working with the big brands in the industry.

If you want to be an anomaly , then you best start acting like an anomaly

In terms of market share and brand impact Harman N is no worse or better. So we’re not the premier best choice.

But in several important areas, such as support for new partners, consistency in product quality, and top-notch after-sales satisfaction rates, Harman N has proven to perform better than other manufacturers and would be a reasonable supplier choice.

So how did we achieve that you ask?

If you’re focused on your competitors, then you’re not focused on your customercommit to getting as close as possible to your customer, truly fall in love with the problem you solve for them, and you can’t lose.

Very simple :

We made you, our customer, our partner – and we made it our mission and our purpose to bring you closer to your customers – to help you grow your business, and evolve with you on your entrepreneurial journey.

The thing is.. you made us who و what we are.

Your feedback, your ideas, your input, your patience and your loyalty — Harman N has been molded and shaped, into what you wanted it to be. You are our maker.

When your customers have a need, you are Harman N.

And to Harman N, you are everything.

As a result, more and more forward-thinking people are working with HarmanN.s.

There was no way we were going to enter an incredibly competitive and crowded space, and just try and build a better mousetrap. That’s entrepreneurial suicide.

So we ignored our competitors, and focused on our customers – a strategy many would consider as ‘putting the blinders on’ – we call it the secret to our success.

And believe me when I tell you, I know that sounds like hyperbole, though when simple things like jhelping customers to solve after-sales problems at any time, became a massive differentiator we knew we were on to something.

As a result Harman N offers 24×7–365 live support. We never close, you can always reach us.

You’re somebody, where to from here? What’s the mission?

Every living organism on this planet exists to be in service to something else.

The sun gives light and heat. The bees pollinate flowers and give us honey. Some animals give their life so others can thrive. Our purpose here, just like every other living thing in this crazy world that we all coexist in, is to simply give as much as we can. Whether that be tools, jobs, time, money, care, opportunity, empathy, compassion, advice or forgiveness.

Our mission at Harman N is simply to give:

“بيع منتجات عالية الجودة بأرباح معقولة ومعاملة العملاء بالصبر والاحترافية!”

We envision a world where quality meets affordability, where every interaction is infused with patience and professionalism. It’s not just a business motto; it’s a commitment to creating value, fostering trust, and enriching the experiences of our valued customers.

Join us on this journey of giving, where every product is a symbol of our dedication to your well-being and satisfaction.

In summary:

That was a long read, but hopefully you now know us a little better.

Now, if you are thinking of building your own company, even in the Sport Recovery space, and you think that you can do a better job than what is available in the market, and have an idea of how to differentiate your service offering to gain (or grow) market share; then we say go for it!

We will provide you with a series of assistance, such as creating your own logo, building your own website, promoting your own brand, and together we become a new you!

Don’t listen to the naysayers, they don’t know any more than you do – and often less.

As one of our startup hero’s once said :

“The media wants overnight successes (so they have someone to tear down). Ignore them. Ignore the early adopter critics that never have enough to play with. Ignore your investors that want proven tactics and predictable instant results. Listen instead to your real customers, to your vision and make something for the long haul. Because that’s how long it’s going to take.”

I’ll go as far as to say that I’m available to give you some advice on how to go about it, this pie is big enough for everyone to eat – connect with me, I’d be most happy to have a chat with you. Don’t let competitors in a market place scare you. I’m an open book, we can all share ideas – and I may learn something from you.

Many entrepreneurs fear that a crowded market place means there is no room for new entrants and that unscalable business models aren’t worth pursuing; though Harman N has proven the opposite to be true.

If everyone else is telling you your idea will not work, it isn’t scalable, or the model simply isn’t sexy. Ignore them. With careful planning; a solid strategy for growth and a tight USP you can compete as well as anyone else – regardless of when you decide to enter.

You need only look as far as Nokia? Kodak? Blackberry? and Yahoo? to recognize that just because a brand was market leader at one point in time, it doesn’t mean 2 girls/guys in a garage can’t build, launch & compete.

So, why choose Harman N?

When we launch in 2023, Harman N would most certainly have been considered a late entrant.

The incumbents that came before us paved the way – though that didn’t scare us, the existing products on the market and the service quality of Chinese suppliers do not really solve the problems that enterprises actually face.

“Never under estimate a late entrantthey get to start by learning from all of your mistakes.”

At the time, we figured that there were other companies out there that felt the same way we did :

  • That the pricing our competitors charged wasn’t attractive for many use-cases.
  • Supplier reliability and accountability for pre-sales and post-sales issues on orders are not up to scratch.
  • As competitorsbusiness roll-outs are promoted on a platform or advertising model, this can incur significant costs, which at the same time are grafted on to the customer, thus compressing their profit margins.
  • That just because there are hundreds of known competitors, it didn’t mean we had to target their customers to gain market share, we could enter and help to grow the size of the pie, not the size of our slice.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking your competitors know more than you do, opinions and ideas are like elbowseveryone has two. Do your research to gain some insight, back it up with your gut feel.. and most of all, be prepared to be patient.. very.. patient. It takes a least a decade to build an ‘overnight’ success.


So how could we enter (late) in a market that is so crowded, and still compete?

Especially when :

  • We weren’t the first to market.
  • We don’t have brand recognition.
  • We’re not headquartered in a factory.
  • Our founder didn’t go to Stanford or Harvard
  • Our competitors are already working with the big brands in the industry.

If you want to be an anomaly , then you best start acting like an anomaly

In terms of market share and brand impact Harman N is no worse or better. So we’re not the premier best choice.

But in several important areas, such as support for new partners, consistency in product quality, and top-notch after-sales satisfaction rates, Harman N has proven to perform better than other manufacturers and would be a reasonable supplier choice.

So how did we achieve that you ask?

If you’re focused on your competitors, then you’re not focused on your customercommit to getting as close as possible to your customer, truly fall in love with the problem you solve for them, and you can’t lose.

Very simple :

We made you, our customer, our partner – and we made it our mission and our purpose to bring you closer to your customers – to help you grow your business, and evolve with you on your entrepreneurial journey.

The thing is.. you made us who و what we are.

Your feedback, your ideas, your input, your patience and your loyalty — Harman N has been molded and shaped, into what you wanted it to be. You are our maker.

When your customers have a need, you are Harman N.

And to Harman N, you are everything.

As a result, more and more forward-thinking people are working with HarmanN.s.

There was no way we were going to enter an incredibly competitive and crowded space, and just try and build a better mousetrap. That’s entrepreneurial suicide.

So we ignored our competitors, and focused on our customers – a strategy many would consider as ‘putting the blinders on’ – we call it the secret to our success.

And believe me when I tell you, I know that sounds like hyperbole, though when simple things like jhelping customers to solve after-sales problems at any time, became a massive differentiator we knew we were on to something.

As a result Harman N offers 24×7–365 live support. We never close, you can always reach us.

You’re somebody, where to from here? What’s the mission?

Every living organism on this planet exists to be in service to something else.

The sun gives light and heat. The bees pollinate flowers and give us honey. Some animals give their life so others can thrive. Our purpose here, just like every other living thing in this crazy world that we all coexist in, is to simply give as much as we can. Whether that be tools, jobs, time, money, care, opportunity, empathy, compassion, advice or forgiveness.

Our mission at Harman N is simply to give:

“بيع منتجات عالية الجودة بأرباح معقولة ومعاملة العملاء بالصبر والاحترافية!”

We envision a world where quality meets affordability, where every interaction is infused with patience and professionalism. It’s not just a business motto; it’s a commitment to creating value, fostering trust, and enriching the experiences of our valued customers.

Join us on this journey of giving, where every product is a symbol of our dedication to your well-being and satisfaction.

In summary:

That was a long read, but hopefully you now know us a little better.

Now, if you are thinking of building your own company, even in the Sport Recovery space, and you think that you can do a better job than what is available in the market, and have an idea of how to differentiate your service offering to gain (or grow) market share; then we say go for it!

We will provide you with a series of assistance, such as creating your own logo, building your own website, promoting your own brand, and together we become a new you!

Don’t listen to the naysayers, they don’t know any more than you do – and often less.

As one of our startup hero’s once said :

“The media wants overnight successes (so they have someone to tear down). Ignore them. Ignore the early adopter critics that never have enough to play with. Ignore your investors that want proven tactics and predictable instant results. Listen instead to your real customers, to your vision and make something for the long haul. Because that’s how long it’s going to take.”

I’ll go as far as to say that I’m available to give you some advice on how to go about it, this pie is big enough for everyone to eat – connect with me, I’d be most happy to have a chat with you. Don’t let competitors in a market place scare you. I’m an open book, we can all share ideas – and I may learn something from you.

Many entrepreneurs fear that a crowded market place means there is no room for new entrants and that unscalable business models aren’t worth pursuing; though Harman N has proven the opposite to be true.

If everyone else is telling you your idea will not work, it isn’t scalable, or the model simply isn’t sexy. Ignore them. With careful planning; a solid strategy for growth and a tight USP you can compete as well as anyone else – regardless of when you decide to enter.

You need only look as far as Nokia? Kodak? Blackberry? and Yahoo? to recognize that just because a brand was market leader at one point in time, it doesn’t mean 2 girls/guys in a garage can’t build, launch & compete.

Extreme Sports Biking
Extreme Sports Biking